The Bodyguard of the Mafia boss's daughter (part 19/32)

The Bodyguard of the Mafia boss's daughter (part 19/32)

Saturday - 24/08/2024 05:16
Then I called you at home. You said that you weren't alone. I should've known better. Now it hurts much more. You caused my heart to bleed and. You still owe me a reason. I can't figure out why. Why I'm alone and freezing. While you're in the bed that she's in. I'm just left alone to cry...
My father opened a enormous door and allowed me to walk in first. He shut the door behind us and walked around the massive desk before taking a seat. I took my own in the chair in front of him.
“What is it you want to discuss?”
“Dad, Jaxon saved my life on multiple occasions. This was something that happened out of my own stupidity. I went out on my own without him.”
“He is supposed to be watching you no matter what Lyla.”
“Dad, you cannot fire him.”
“No. I can't,” he growled. “But I'm removing him as your head of security.”
“No!” I yelled. “Dad, you can't do that.”
“It is already decided Lyla.” He swiveled around in his chair, turning his back to me and looking out of the enormous window.
I closed my eyes tightly, building the guts to say what I was about to say next. You have to.
I opened my eyes again and looked at his back. “Dad, I love him.”
His head whipped around so fast I swore he would have whiplash.
“What?” He whispered.
“I fell in love with him.”
I shook his head and laughed sarcastically. “Lyla Rose, you cannot be with him.”
“And why not?”
“He's a dangerous man.”
“So are you.”
He glared at me. “I am your father. No one can protect you better than I can.”
“But he already has!” I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. “I'll leave,” I muttered.
“What?” My fathers voice dropped deadly quiet.
“I'll leave, Dad. I'll walk out of those enormous front doors and let the danger come to me. How does that sound?”
“Lyla.” he warned.
I stood my ground. My back straight, my head held high. I was not going to back down on this.
My father turned back toward the window. “Does he know you love him?”
I shook my head but then realized he couldn't see me and spoke up. “No.”
“Why not?”
“I haven't told him. I only just got rescued a few hours ago, you know.”
“Why didn't you tell him before?”
“I got kidnapped.”
“No before that.”
“We were fighting.”
“Dad, I'm not talking to you about this.”
“Yes you are. If you even want me to consider allowing him to stay as your head of security, you will.”
“On one condition.”
He turned, a smirk on his face. His eyes burned with pride. In me? “What's that dear daughter?”
“You're going to tell me everything about what you do.”
He thought for a minute before answering. “Alright, deal.”
“You begin,” I said, taking a seat in front of him.
He smirked. “You sounds just like me.”
“Stop deflecting. Talk.”
“I am the leader of this here Mafia. Most call me Boss. You can call me Dad,” he winked and I rolled my eyes playfully. I was happy to be home. “This is the Mafia house. This is where I live.”
“What is Jaxon to you? He said he is a capo?”
“Yes, he is a capo but he is also my second in command. He has his own army because of how powerful he is in this Mafia.”
I choked on my spit. “What?”
“Yes, he is almost as powerful as me. There's only a few things he cannot do without my permission .”
“So that's why you can't fire him?”
“So what exactly happens here?”
“Here,” he began. “Nothing. This is just the house the entire family stays in. The warehouse is down behind the pond. That is where we conduct business. We never conduct business in the house. I know this is a lot but we do have a big drug empire.”
I laughed. “Drugs are the lease of my worries, Dad. I was almost sold into sex slavery.”
He winced. “I know. And that will never, ever happen again,” he growled. “I will never ever get into that business. The Italian Mafia will fall before it ever goes into sex trafficking. At least I know for the rest of my lifetime and for the rest of Jaxon's.”
“What does that mean? Jaxon's lifetime?”
“He will be the Boss when I retire, dear. That is part of the reason why I said you cannot be with him. If you and him continue, you'll be the Mafia Queen which will put a large red target on your back.”
My eyes widened. “Oh.” Suddenly, I remembered something. “Dad! When we were at Jaxon's house in Maine, the people who attacked us were in uniforms that belonged to Mark's company.”
He sighed. “I know. I'm sorry, my darling. I only wanted you to date him so that I could keep an eye on his company. There's a rumor going around that your mother is sleeping with the CEO and they're trying to get to me by kidnapping you. Rumor say they want to take over my empire. You are the center of this empire. Without you, I would lose my mind. The Mafia leader can never lose his mind.”
“This is insane.”
“I know it's a lot. Take your time to process it.”
I nodded. “Stephano told me our real last name. Would you mind if I started using it?”
“Marino? You want to use the family name? The one that would tie you to the Italian Mafia?”
“Yes. Also, I would like to start training.”
“Well, considering everyone is after me because my father is the leader of the Italian Mafia, I think I need to learn how to hold my own.”
“You do that well enough now,” he laughed. “But, yes. Training will start next week with Niccolai, Lance and Jaxon.”
“Who is Niccolai?”
“He is your cousin. His father is Stephano but he hates his father. So, no worries about him, sì?”
That's the first time I've ever heard my father speak Italian.
“Stephano took Niccolai's girlfriend and sold her to a sex trafficker to get an in. It only got him an audition, which is what you were used for. Thankfully, we got you back.”
“What about his girlfriend?”
“Well, we searched for her. When we finally found her, it was too late. She was dead. Niccolai was so heartbroken.”
“That's so shitty,” I whispered.
“Tell me about it. Oh,” he said abruptly. “There is going to be a ball thrown tomorrow in your honor.”
“Dad,” I groaned.
“No whining. Now, tell me about Jaxon.”
I launched into explaining everything. My father sat quietly, listening and digesting the information.
“I know you don't like this but Dad, I love him. I could stand by his side while he took over.”
He smiled at me, pride shining again. “You took the news very well. You're already planning to be the Mafia Queen.”
“Well, considering everything else I've been through on this trip, I think I could do it.”
“I know you could,” he said, pride lighting up his face. “Alright,” he said, quietly. “You are allowed to be with him, but only because I like him so much.”
I laughed and jumped up, running around his desk and hugging him.
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you sweetheart. Now go on, I have work to do.”
I walked out of his office with the biggest smile on my face. He agreed to let us be together.
I ran down the hallway opposite of mine, looking for Jaxon.
I rounded the corner and there he stood. He was buttoning his shirt, laughing at someone standing at the door.
She finally came to view in front of me. A woman stood in front of him with nothing but a bra and panties on. She had vibrant red hair and a row of perfect white teeth.
I felt myself get lightheaded as I watched the exchange. Suddenly, the girls eyes met mine and she gasped before jumping behind the door, out of my view.

>>>> The Bodyguard of the Mafia boss's daughter (part 20/32)

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